Tuesday, 29 January 2008

More nature photography...

Back on the nature theme this week...

We saw these guys in Peru - I love the way the red in their beaks set off the detail in the whole photo.

This next one wasn't quite what I hoped - it's not exactly original so I'm sure you get the idea of what I was aiming for! We're off to Africa in a few months, so hopefully I'll get a better shot then. I think it is a great excuse to get a teleconverter!


Simon Bills said...

What lens did you shoot this with?

Chris said...

The shot of the pelicans was taken with my Canon 75-300mm f4.0/5.6 IS - the other with my Canon 17-85mm f4.0-5.6 IS - the local length is actually pretty short - I was at an elephant park so we were able to get really close. Thats all my kit at the moment - more toys to come soon I think :)